3.) In James’ Gee’s reading, there are definitely a few controversial theorems that he discusses. The first one is “Someone can speak English, but not fluently”. What he means is that most people have the foundation, but there is no walls, no doors. Gee wrote, “Very often, learners of the second language “fossilized” at a stage of development significantly short of fluency.” (Gee). What he is trying to state is that one is not fully Discourse if they are not fluent in all aspects.
4.) Mushfake is when one uses skills or linguistics that are close replications to the actual discourse. With Gee, mush fake is “to “do with something less when the real is not available”(Gee). Gee incorporates Mushfake Discourse with the “Impartial acquisition coupled with meta knowledge.” (Gee). Metaknowledge is exactly what Cuddy was talking about in her ted talk. It’s a state in which one reaches a level of confidence, even if you have to fake it until you make it (or fake it till you become it).
5.) One of the areas in Cuddy’s approach that is similar to Gee’s work is the “faking it until you become it”. For Gee he persisted more of a front where it was “fake it until you make it”. Both similar concepts, but come from different perspectives. When Cuddy was in college her academic advisor was very persistent on her in not giving up her academic dreams after a traumatic head injury. Her advisor told her “you’re going to fake it….you’re just going to do it and do it and do it.” (Cuddy Ted Talk). Her teacher made her believe in this concept and so she did it. Similarly so, Gee says “you make it look as if they can do what they really can’t” (Gee). Both are similar because they both refuse failure. They both persist if you want to be successful, if you want to be confident you have to keep moving forward. Fake it till you make it or fake it till you become it.