October 25 HW

“Scholars have identified one common feature of student literacy narratives: dominant, archetypal stories.
These common stories follow conventional patterns on narration and correspond to prevailing cultural representations on literacy perpetuated through literature, television, and the news media. They also help organize and configure reality, thus shaping our understanding of ourselves” (Alexander 608)
Students have been using more modern techniques to help understand to convey literary acquisition. This shows how academics are evolving and show how students are reacting by using there more opportune resources.
 “It is not surprising that students invoke the literacy-as-success cultural narrative: the upward mobility literacy myth has been enmeshed in our culture since its founding and is propagated through literary and autobiographical texts, film, and the media.” (Alexander 61)
Student writers have become more invoked to use more fluidity and more personality when writing. Using personal stories have helped students create more productive work and allow them to develop better concepts and better explaining.
“Their educational training has been defined by how well they do in school and sow it should come as no surprise that writing about an unwavering belief in the power and necessity of literacy is a common theme throughout these texts”.
the education system is notoriously known for having the tendency to produce failure due to high demands for success. Now times are evolving and the education system has become more flamboyant with progressive and modern attributes.

“A statistical correlation between high literacy achievement and high socioeconomic, majority-race status routinely shows up in results of national tests of reading and writing performance” (Brandt 559)

The more privlegages one is enaged in, the higher their rate of sucess is. This proves to show the inequality that students take on in the current education system in place.

“These are the systems that deliver large-scale economic, historical, and political conditions to the scenes of small-scale literacy use and development.” (Brandt 560)

Literist look at students literary acquisition intake from a sociological lens by looking at the factors of socioculture on kids and how the effects of which conduct the out come of these students


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